
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how DentalZorg Dentistry Dutch Dental Clinic Dubai uses and protects any information that you provide us when you use this website. In this document, “we”, “our”, or “us” refer to DentalZorg Dentistry Dutch Dental Clinic Dubai. We only keep relevant information about our patients to provide them with safe and appropriate dental care as well informing them about its products and services.

Information we may collect from you

When you visit our website or communicate with us through our website forms, telephone calls, emails, text messages, social media platforms, online chat, and other methods, you may provide us with information about yourself. This information includes and is not limited to your name, date of birth, health information and concerns, address, telephone number, mobile number, and email. During your dental appointment, we may collect further information about you. This includes personal identifications, x-rays and clinical radiographs, past and existing medical and dental conditions, habits, lifestyle, preferences, treatment plants, records of treatment consent, waivers, clinical notes, and records, details of appointments, and any correspondence relating to you and other healthcare professionals. We use this information to fulfill and provide continuing care to our patients and for the purposes of booking your appointments and referrals, sending you reminders, and recalling appointments.

How we store information

We store electronic and hard records securely and confidentially. Records are securely destroyed when no longer required. Confidential information is only seen by staff who need to see it and the team is trained on our policies and procedures to keep patient information confidential.

Use of Cookies

See Privacy Policy for information regarding cookies and their use on our site.


We are subject to the law like all other businesses operating in the country. We do not sell, share or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website. If legal authorities with proper authorization, search warrant, or court order request personal information, we may do so in compliance with the law.


We use cookies and tracking pixels on this site like most websites. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website places on your computer or mobile device that enable the site to remember actions, preferences, and browsing habits. Our cookies do not store personal information (such as your name, mobile number, credit card number or address). Cookies simply allow our website to retrieve information in order to improve your experience of our website and to track responses to our online marketing channels. All information collected by cookies are aggregated and therefore anonymous. Cookies do not provide us with access to your computer or any information about you, other than that which you choose to share with us.

Contact Us

If you have any complaint, or if you believe your privacy rights have been breached, please email us.

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