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frequently asked questions

Most of the patients reported that root canal treatment is not painful. However, mild pain or minimal discomfort is experienced by patients during the procedure. Patients can take over-the-counter pain killers (ibuprofen) to relieve pain during RCT.

Severe pain on biting, swelling of gums, pus from gums, metallic taste, and bad breath are the symptoms indicate that your root canals are infected.

The dentist will remove the infected pulp from tooth roots and fill with filling material.

Dental crowns after RCT provide strength to the treated tooth.

Yes, Root canal treatment relieves the infection and swelling that cause pain in the tooth.

The dentists always try to save the tooth with RCT. As RCT does not cause bone loss and ridge deformation. RCT prevents patients from spending more money for bridges and implants. While extraction is the pulling of tooth from socket and loss of a tooth has psychological impact on patient’s well-being.


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