For denture wearers, a chipped or broken tooth is a serious matter and requires prompt repair. When denture teeth break, it can have a lasting impact on the denture wearer as it will affect the chewing and speaking ability. The bite of the dentures will also be compromised and may cause discomfort. When it comes to repairing chipped or broken denture teeth, denture wearers should not try to repair them at home.
At DentalZorg Dutch Dental Clinic in Dubai, we have a fully equipped in-house dental lab which helps us to provide the service to you urgently, so that your denture is fixed while you enjoy your coffee with the wonderful view from our clinic Dubai JLT.
The most common cause for a denture to break is wear and tear. A denture has gone through several stress cycles from chewing and regular wear after years of being used. A denture can also deteriorate due to changes in temperature from hot to cold and moisture in the mouth.
The denture may gradually become loose due to progressive bone loss. This bone loss leads to slipping of denture in and out of the mouth more readily if it is not fixed timely. Instability of denture may cause a fracture or break due to imbalance force or pressure.
Dentures replace missing teeth and support surrounding tissues in oral cavity. Damage to dentures causes a negative impact and challenging situations in routine life. Broken dentures cause difficulty in speaking and chewing functions in denture patients. Difficulty in eating can lead to improper dietary intake resulting in nutrition deficiency in the long term.
It is important to fix broken dentures as it can prevent drifting of natural teeth and further damage to dentures. Patients who get their dentures fixed timely are likely to experience shorter repair time and spend less time without their denture.
The most common cause of broken dentures is accidental damage or falling of the denture. In case of the lower jaw, it is the improper fit and stability of the denture; whereas improper arrangement and occlusion of the teeth cause issues for the upper one.
Midline fracture is the most common site of fracture in upper removable dentures.
Many DIY denture repair kits are available at pharmacies. These DIY kits can be useful for short time till you get your appointment at dentist for denture repair. However, ingredients in these DIY kits are harmful for oral mucosa and can cause irreparable damage to denture.
Carefully collect all the pieces of broken denture. Book an emergency appointment at the dental clinic for quick denture repair. The dentists repair broken dentures professionally and make sure that repaired denture feels comfortable.
Another option for broken denture is the replacement of the denture. The dentist can tell you whether the broken denture is usable after repair or not. In case of severe damage, the dentist suggests replacement of denture is a better option than fixing broken denture.
The cost of repairing broken dentures can be determined by the dentist after evaluation. The cost to fix broken dentures depends on the complexity of damage, method of repair, and experience of dentists. Sometimes denture wearers lose their prosthetic teeth when damage occurs. Addition of new teeth will cost more charges.
A broken denture may not fit well in your mouth or may cause pain and discomfort. Broken dentures may also cause injury to surrounding tissues. Fixing broken denture earlier can save you from extensive treatments
Dentures can last for several months to years with proper oral care and regular dental visits. Dentures require regular relining of denture base because of continuous bone loss.
Dentures might fall out while eating but this is not always true because dentures are customized with individuals' unique oral needs, and they fit well in oral cavity. Falling dentures while eating occurs due to several reasons like one sided eating or due to bone loss. Loosening of denture and instability cause falling of denture.
No, dentures are not painful. Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth, used to replace missing teeth and restore oral functions.
Improper fitting of dentures and denture instability are the two most common causes of denture fractures. This occurs due to continuous bone loss that requires relining of denture base for stability and proper fitting.