Prevention is better than cure. This saying is perfect for dental visits. A small hole might not be initially noticeable, but over time, this tiny hole provides space for bacteria to accumulate, potentially causing tooth damage that might require invasive management in the long term. The same goes for gum diseases. Gum diseases are not problematic in the early stages; however, tartar buildup below the gum line can lead to serious consequences like bone loss.
DentalZorg recommends routine dental checkups to everyone. Unseen dental problems can worsen without regular dental health checkups. Our experienced dentists offer personalized dental care to all patients with regular dental treatments in Dubai.
Regular dental checkups are not only for detecting plaque, tartar, or signs of tooth decay and gum diseases. They are crucial for identifying early signs of oral cancer or other dental issues. Untreated dental issues can lead to serious problems in the future.
Oral hygiene is not only important for the mouth but also for overall well-being. Oral hygiene practices help eliminate germs and bacteria from the mouth. Poor oral hygiene can increase bacterial load in the mouth, resulting in tooth decay and gum infections.
Teeth cleaning is a routine dental procedure that helps control bad breath by removing bacteria that cause malodor. Professional dental cleaning removes plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces and below the gum line, preventing gum diseases and bone loss.
Teeth whitening is a routine dental treatment for discoloration of teeth. It helps to make patients’ smiles lighter and brighter.
Dental fillings replace defective or diseased tooth tissue with filling material. They help preserve natural tooth structure and prevent further dental decay. Dental fillings are helpful for dental caries restricted to enamel or dentine. Root infections due to dental caries are treated by root canal treatment (RCT), which removes infected pulp and tooth tissues to save tooth structure.
Dental crowns encircle the tooth to provide support and protection. Crowns improve aesthetics and support damaged teeth. Dental bridges are used to fill gaps left after the extraction of natural teeth.
Teeth extractions are advised for severely decayed or damaged teeth that cannot be restored by filling or RCT. Dental bridges or implants are used after extraction to fill the gaps between teeth.
The cost of regular dental treatments such as teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, dental fillings, RCT, dental crowns or bridges, and tooth extractions varies widely depending on the type of procedure. It is best to consult a dentist to know the cost of dental treatments advised for your specific needs.
Teeth brushing twice daily, flossing once a day, and mouthwash rinse are considered as routine dental care.
Regular dental checkups can prevent tooth decay, gum diseases, and other dental issues. It helps to keep the mouth healthy.
Regular dental cleaning is the removal of plaque or tartar from tooth surface in dental clinics.
It is best to consult a dentist to know the cost of regular dental cleaning. As it depends on the experience of dentist and location of dental clinic.