Bad Breath
Dr BushraAug 21, 2024

Bad Breath: Causes and Solutions

Bad breath is a common problem that can significantly affect psychological health. Bad breath is a common occurrence after consuming pungent foods like onions or garlic. Several systemic diseases or medications can also cause halitosis. Chronic halitosis may indicate an underlying oral health problem. Bad breath is the third most common reason to seek dental care.

There are potential bad breath treatment options available. Certain home remedies and lifestyle changes can resolve the issue. However, it is advisable to see a dentist to know the actual cause if bad breath persists longer.

Types of bad breath smell

Mostly bad breath occurs when something is present in the mouth. There are different types of breath smells. These types of odors can help you diagnose the main cause of halitosis.

  • Sweet or fruity smell
  • Rotten smell
  • Sour smell
  • Fecal smell
  • Ammonia smell
  • Fishy smell
  • Sweaty feet smell

Causes of Bad Breath

The specific odor of breath depends on the cause of the issue. Some people have little to no bad breath, but they are concerned about it. This condition is called halitophobia which leads to obsessive hygienic behavior.

Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of bad breath. It is not the only reason for bad breath. Other possible bad breath causes are:

  • Dental infection
  • Gum diseases
  • Tobacco products
  • Dry mouth
  • Unhealthy diet

Sometimes bad breath can occur due to physical health conditions.

  • Sinus infections
  • Tonsil stones
  • Sore throat
  • Acid reflux
  • Diabetes

Another possible reason for bad breath is the side effect of certain medications.

  • Antidepressants
  • Diuretics
  • Antihistamines
  • Sleeping pills

Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad breath typically originates because of the imbalance of bacteria in the mouth. Food debris provides a favorable medium for bacteria to grow. These bacteria release sulfur compounds that cause a foul smell in the mouth. Bad breath due to bad oral hygiene can be managed by home remedies. However, it is advisable to seek professional dental care if bad breath lasts more than 3 months after applying home remedies. Some effective home remedies are:

  • Good hygiene practices
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Saltwater rinse
  • Apple cider vinegar swish
  • Tea tree oil rinse
  • Chewing on cloves

Prevention Tips for Bad Breath

Bad breath is a major health concern worldwide. Most people find it embarrassing to smell bad while speaking or communicating. Foul breath lowers one’s confidence and disturbs everyday life. Here are basic prevention tips to control bad breath:

frequently asked questions

Maintaining good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth twice daily, and brushing your tongue can help to get rid of bad breath.

No, wisdom teeth do not cause bad breath, but bad breath can occur due to gum infection around wisdom teeth or decayed wisdom.

Yes, cavities cause bad breath due to bacterial growth in decayed teeth.

Oral ulcers cause mucosal swelling that will cause bad breath in the mouth.

Yes, flossing can help with bad breath as it removes the debris from the interdental area.

Yes, tartar causes bad breath. Plaque calcified into tartar which will lead to gum infection. This will cause bad breath.

Antiseptic mouthwashes are best to control bad breath in the mouth

Vaping can cause bacterial load around the mouth leading to bad breath.

Yes, a root canal helps to remove infected pulp from damaged teeth. Bad breath because of a dental infection can go away after a root canal treatment.

Yes, a sinus infection can cause bad breath. Infected mucus from the sinus drips into the back of the throat and causes a foul odor.

No, braces do not cause bad breath. Bad oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment will cause bad breath.
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