Common Dental Problems
Dr BushraAug 21, 2024


The Most Common Dental Problems and How to Fix Them

Dental problems are a major concern worldwide. Most people neglect their dental health due to less awareness of dental problems and will face severe complications. However, most of the dental problems are manageable in their early stages. Common dental problems and solutions are discussed in this article.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the second most common disease in the world. Usual causes of tooth decay include poor oral hygiene, high sugar intake, and tartar/plaque buildup. Tooth decay causes pain and results in tooth loss if left untreated.

Tooth decay can only be treated by dental professionals. Tooth decay is irreversible and cannot be repaired itself. A person can prevent tooth decay by brushing twice daily and having regular dental checkups.

Gum Disease

Gum diseases cause bleeding issues. Gum diseases can be the result of poor oral hygiene, medical conditions, or as a result of medications. Gingivitis is a mild form of Gum diseases that can lead to periodontitis (more severe form involving bone). Gum diseases can lead to following complications if left untreated.

Professional dental care is needed to cure gum diseases. Treatment of severe forms of gum disease includes Deep scaling, root planning combined with antibiotics and gingival surgery.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem. Teeth become sensitive when enamel demineralization occurs, and dentine is exposed to hot/cold stimuli. Tooth sensitivity can also be due to broken teeth, damaged fillings, or root infections/caries.

Toothpaste and mouthwashes are used to treat mild sensitivity. Sometimes dentists suggest fluoride treatment, dental fillings, crowns, or root canal treatment as per the severity of the case.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath indicates infection in the mouth due to gum diseases, plaque/tartar buildup, or severe dental caries. Lack of saliva can result in dry mouth that might lead to bad breath. Sometimes bad breath occurs after a course of extensive antibiotics. The dentist will perform a proper assessment and plan treatment accordingly.

Tooth Discoloration

Teeth become stained or discolored due to poor oral hygiene, dark-colored food intake, tobacco use, medications, fluorosis, pulpal damage, or aging. Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily, mouthwash rinse, and flossing can reduce the risk of discoloration. Other treatment options include teeth whitening, crowns, and veneers.


Bacteria in the mouth slowly destroy enamel (outer layer of the tooth) creating small holes. These holes are known as cavities. The progression of cavities can be stopped in the early stages by applying sealants or varnishes. Prevention of cavities includes maintaining good hygiene habits, low sugar intake, periodic dental cleaning, and regular dental checkups.

Causes of Teeth Problems

An individual's physical well-being might be affected by dental issues. Teeth problems affect the eating, speaking, and self-esteem of individuals. Causes of teeth problems include poor oral hygiene, diet and nutrition, genetics, and lifestyle factors.

Poor Oral Hygiene

It is one of the most common causes of dental problems, which can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, discoloration, and loss of teeth or bone. Apart from teeth problems, poor oral hygiene also contributes to cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, respiratory issues, and kidney problems. Therefore, maintaining good oral health is necessary to maintain the overall health of the human body.

Diet and Nutrition

The mouth is a gateway to the body. Everything you eat affects your teeth and your body. high sugar intake puts a person at high risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay. while a nutritious diet with vitamins, minerals, and fresh fruits & vegetables lowers the risk of dental issues.


Heredity plays a vital role in oral health. Human genes determine the tooth structure of a person. Some individuals are susceptible to tooth decay, gum diseases, and oral malignancies. Regular dental visits can delay the onset of these disorders.

Lifestyle Factors (Smoking, Alcohol)

Healthy behavior of a person has a major impact on overall well-being. Lack of sleep also contributes to periodontal disorders. Alcohol intake and smoking increase the risk of periodontal issues and mouth cancer. It has been evident by research that smoking and less than 6 hours of sleep worsen periodontal health.

Prevention and Maintenance

Prevention is necessary for optimal oral care. Preventive oral care aims to maintain a healthy oral cavity and improve physical health. Prevention care includes the actions taken by patients to keep their mouth germs-free.

Brushing and Flossing Techniques

Brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day is important for good oral hygiene. It is best to do circular motion brushing from the gingival line towards the incisal edge. This motion helps to remove food debris easily. Moreover, brushing your tongue and cheeks can help to reduce bad breath.

Regular Dental Check-ups

The dentist will look for dental abnormalities in Regular dental checkups. The dentists also check any changes in soft tissues. The dentist will recommend dental cleaning if needed. The dentists advise sealants in routine checkups to prevent caries. Regular dental checkups help to manage dental issues in the early stages.

Healthy Diet for Dental Health

A healthy diet keeps your body and your teeth healthy. If you eat too much sugary food, it will increase the acid attack that will result in dental caries. Eating calcium-rich foods helps to maintain dental health.

Treatment Options

Oral problems could be genetic or due to environmental factors. Maintaining oral health is essential to maintain physical health. Following are the common dental problems treatment options:

Fillings and Restorations

Dental fillings are done to restore the normal function of teeth. Fillings and restorations fix tooth decay, cavities, and chipped/cracked teeth. They reduce the risk of tooth infection and maintain good oral hygiene.

Gum Treatments

Gum treatment are used to restore gum infections. Gum infection/inflammation is necessary to cure as it will stop bleeding. Gum treatment also helps to reduce bad breath.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure. It helps to overcome tooth discoloration. It can make teeth brighter and helps to keep the oral cavity clean.

Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic treatments are used to treat malalignment of teeth. Misaligned teeth are more prone to cause plaque/tartar buildup. Aligned teeth make brushing and flossing easy and help to maintain oral care.

Prosthodontic Treatments

Prosthodontic treatments are used to replace missing teeth to restore normal functions of teeth. Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth used to fill gaps created by tooth loss. Dental bridge or dental implant is a better alternative to denture that offers fixed prosthetic teeth to replace missing teeth. Replacing missing teeth with dental implant can prevent relative bone loss.


frequently asked questions

Yes, severe toothache can cause migraine by irritating trigeminal nerve.

High sugar intake and poor oral hygiene can cause tooth cavities.

Tooth decay cannot be repaired at home.

Yes, if tooth decay left untreated it can spread to other teeth.

Bleeding gums is a sign of infected gums.

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